Pulse Diagnostics of doctor Vedov

Диагностику по пульсу проводит Ведов Юрий Владимирович. Потомственная передача пульсовой диагностики. Начал диагностировать в возрасте 18 лет. Слышит, видит и чувствует 80 пульсов человека.
«..Когда слушаешь три пульса — видишь гармонию цветов и излучений, если они есть у человека, иногда нету.. —Видишь световую музыку — световое звучание пульса — музыка с красивыми оттенками»
Do you know that people have not only one kind of pulse that can be heard if we put our fingers to a pulsating vein but a multiple of them? Some Chinese doctors can distinguish approximately 30 types of a pulse on the basis of which they make conclusions about the health of human organ systems and organs.
Dr Yuri Vedov diagnoses 80 major pulses.
The body constantly transmits signals about its state.
Pulse is a conductor of the information about what is happening inside a person.
With the help of pulse diagnostics you can:
- diagnose a disease long before it manifests;
- find out which organs and organ systems are weak, and even when the problem can appear;
Pulse diagnosis can determine:
- the potential duration of a person's life;
- the psychic and mental state of a person;
- genetic problems;
- the constitution of a person.
How to determine what abilities a person has? How to understand what spheres he is gifted in?
A heart-beat of a gifted person creates a rainbow energetic radiation.
The stronger this rainbow radiation is, the stronger is the possibility to determine the level of his giftedness and even his genius. This can be determined in 15 seconds.
According to colour tones of the rainbow radiation the diagnosis can determine the sphere of life in which a person is gifted in.
How to warn and prevent disease by using pulse diagnostics?
Pulse diagnostics is a conductor of information about what happens inside a person. The body constantly transmits signals about its state. And even in case when the person's tests are good and the doctors unanimously say that everything is fine with him but he does not feel as good as he should, in other words when the disease exists but does not manifest itself, the pulse diagnostics reveals the presence of abnormalities, and at this stage it can easily cope with the disease, it is much easier when the disease has already become noticed.